Cllr Andrew Steed says we need to take London forward at election
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Elections for the London Mayor and the London Assembly are less than fifty days away.
These are the elections postponed from last year due to COVID, and you will have three votes: a vote for Mayor, a vote for a local Assembly member and a party vote. All Londoners can vote, including European Union citizens.
The current form of London regional government has existed since 2000. Although it may seem distant and unaccountable, it has gradually increased its powers, and locally we have seen the influence of the Mayor and the Assembly play a part in transport policy and in planning.
Past and current mayors have not exactly covered themselves in glory, be it Ken Livingstone or Boris Johnson or the current occupant, Sadiq Khan.
It is time for a fresh approach, which is why I will be supporting the Liberal Democrat candidate Luisa Porritt.
Luisa Porritt visited Chiswick as one of the first locations on her tour of London after being selected. She met with many local shops, restaurants and cafes on Chiswick High Road and Turnham Green Terrace.
Luisa's main policy issues revolve around jobs, housing, and cleaner air. Her plan includes investment to reinvent local high streets, she said, 'Investing in London's high streets will kickstart our city's recovery, creating local jobs and revitalising the heart of our communities'.
It is certainly the case that the current Mayor has let Londoners down on affordable homes. As Luisa says, 'Labour Mayor has massively missed his target of 100,000 affordable homes, and for many people these new homes are not really affordable, with little social housing'.
One benefit of lockdown was the temporary reduction in aircraft and traffic. We enjoyed living in a quieter city with less pollution. Pollution levels in London threaten lives. Post lockdown more needs to be done to encourage these trends, to oppose the expansion of Heathrow, build more zero carbon homes, establish more facilities for hybrid and electric cars.
Many of her plans can be seen on her website.
After a number of false starts, hope is on the horizon.
We need to take London Forward.
Councillor Andrew Steed - Southfield ward
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March 20, 2021