Ealing's Reluctant Runner is Revving Up...

It's time for the Ealing Half Marathon

I'm writing this with just a few days to go before it really happens once again.

I can't quite believe that this will be the THIRD year I will take my place at the (very pretty) starting line in Lammas Park.

As previously mentioned I only did the first one because it was the first ever for Ealing and I just wanted to show my support.

Never for one second did I expect to be donning the gear - raising funds for the headline charity Alzheimer's Society - and taking on 13.1miles of parks and peaks and pavements of Ealing ....for a third time.

So, reluctant runner I may be but I am a bit relentless too.

Anyway, today I'm feeling positive.

I know what a very special day it will be on Sunday and am really going to try and enjoy it (as opposed to endure it). I will even endeavor to smile a bit more - which will be more likely once I get my hands on the sacred jelly babies.

Please show your support along the route - prove to all the many runners who have come from far outside the borough just how great we all are here in Ealing!

Best of luck to all taking part...

'may the road rise up to meet you , may the wind be always at your back...' and remember...



Annemarie Flanagan



25th September 2014