Justine Greening MP speaks to Putney & Roehampton

Tax Changes, Aircraft Noise and the River Environment

Hello everyone,

After all the build up, Gordon Brown didn’t call an election so we’re back in Parliament as planned, but many people are wondering why there was such a build up for nothing. Anyhow, there are lots of things I’ve been working on locally and in Parliament, so read on to get an update.

Tax Changes and Small Businesses

I am in the Shadow Treasury Team so listened with interest to the Chancellor’s statement last week on tax and public expenditure, the Comprehensive Spending Review. The capital gains tax rises for small businesses are very worrying because our local economy is really built on them. I met with the London Chambers of Commerce and also with a group of small business people who are concerned about what the tax increases will mean for their businesses. Their main concerns are that it will make it harder for them to get people to invest and that means their vital role creating jobs is at risk. Between now and April next year when the changes come into effect, I’ll be talking with our local business community and making sure those concerns get through to the Chancellor.

Aircraft Noise Report and Heathrow Expansion Update

A major study into the way aircraft noise affects people on the ground (the ANASE report) is being sat on by the Department for Transport. It apparently shows that our area is far more affected by aircraft noise than the current government assumptions suggest. The ANASE study says that 50dB is disruptive, whereas current government assumptions is that it has to be 57dB to affect people. 50dB makes sense because it backs up the World Health Organisation estimates. I have followed up with Jim Fitzpatrick, Aviation Minister to ask him to release this report and to confirm urgently whether the 50dB finding is correct.

River Thames and River Wandle Environment

Last Friday I was asked to officially name one of two new Port of London Authority patrol boats that keep the Thames safe. The boat I was asked to name was called Chelsea – I did think about renaming it Putney! It was very helpful to see both PLA representatives and the Environment Agency people at the event. The EA have agreed to provide the real time river sewage data to the PLA so that they can make it available to people who use the river locally. On a related matter, Thames Water massively polluted the River Wandle when it accidentally released sodium hypochlorite into the river. I have been in touch with both Thames Water and the Environment Agency to find out what steps are now going to be taken to get the River Wandle environment back to its previous state.

And Finally…

I’ve also been to support the World Mental Health day event at Springfield Hospital, met with residents of the Victoria Drive Conservation Area and been along to the Conservation Area review meeting with residents of Coalecroft Road and Parkfields. If you need my help as MP, do get in touch by emailing me on greeningj@parliament.uk, writing to me at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, or come and see me at my weekly MP surgery by calling 0208 944 0378.

Best Wishes,
Justine Greening MP

October 19, 2007