Putney MP meets with Assistant Met Commissioner

to press for more local police

Putney, Roehampton and Southfields MP Justine Greening has met with the Met’s head of neighbourhood policing, Assistant Tim Godwin to press the case for more policing in Wandsworth.

Speaking after a lengthy one and a half hour meeting with Assistant Comissioner Godwin, Ms Greening said that it had been very helpful in directly representing residents’ concern over reduced police numbers to the key Met Police officer concerned. The meeting came after Ms Greening’s earlier meeting with Sir Ian Blair, Commissioner of the Met Police.

Commenting on the meeting, Justine Greening MP said:
“Assistant Commissioner Godwin and I discussed not only the matter of policing numbers across Wandsworth, but the other key issue of youth on youth crime. In relation to police numbers, it is unacceptable that in spite of local Wandsworth taxpayers having paid a Mayoral precept to supposedly fund more police officers year after year, we’re still lower on police numbers now than we were a decade ago. That’s even before you take into account the large population growth in our area and the growing problem of youth on youth crime which is so often unreported by the victims.

The Police Community Support Officers we have got should be adding onto a growing number of warranted officers who can arrest on the spot, not substituting them. New government initiatives never come with more officers, so getting our lost officers back is critical.

I am pleased that Assistant Commissioner Godwin was able to spend so much time discussing policing issues with me as a local MP and I very much hope that our discussion will feed into future resourcing requirements. We should never have been put in the position of losing so many officers that we are still now below the level we had 10 years ago, but I am determined to continue to press the case with Ministers, the Mayor and the Met Police that our shortfall needs to be properly reversed.”

Remember, As ever, if you need my help as MP, do get in touch by emailing me on greeningj@parliament.uk, writing to me at the House of Commons, SW1A 0AA, or come and see me at my weekly MP surgery by calling 0208 944 0378.

Best Wishes,
Justine Greening MP

September 25, 2007