Chiswick Opera Lectures

Laughs 'guaranteed' at Opera Lectures

John H. Reed urges you to get along to the lecture series

As an enthusiastic member of Barry Jobling's opera lectures in Chiswick, I would like to encourage local people to come to the talks.

Whether you know little about opera or a lot, there is always something to entertain and inform. Barry has a delightful style, knows his subjects through and through, and is often hilariously funny. Opera is inheritantly in line for mickey-taking, requiring sometimes willing suspensions of disbelief in the plots, and Barry is wised-up to this fact while never actually mickey-taking the art. Many laughs are guaranteed.

He is a slightly built man, but when he sings to demonstrate a musical point, a strong rich baritone voice issues forth, and he also demonstrates harmonies of significance on the piano. Recordings he chooses are often historical and experienced opera-goers will be surprised by some of the earlier performers unknown to them. He clearly has researched London's concert and opera schedules way in advance, because most of the operas chosen tie in with actual live performances in the capital.

So come and join us, you locals; you will have a smashing time!

John H. Reed

December 23, 2003

Full schedule for lecture series

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