A Chiswick Pier Trust lecture
The Chiswick Pier Trust is delighted to welcome author Christopher Andreae, who has written extensively on art and artists, to talk about Mary Fedden (1915-2012), one of Britain's most popular artists, on Thursday 6th November at 7.30pm.
Mary and Julian Trevelyan set up house together at Durham Wharf, by the Thames, on the border of Hammersmith and Chiswick. For the Trevelyans it was both home and studio, and the centre of a lively social life – the high point of which was their annual Boat Race party. All sorts of friends and acquaintances were invited to this “beer and buns” jamboree over the years. Dylan Thomas, Stanley Spencer, Cyril Connolly and A P Herbert all attended, and on another occasion Auden and Isherwood were given a send-off party on their way to China.
The talk will celebrate her life's achievement, and explore the artist's creative process in various different media - oil, gouache, pencil and collage.
Christopher will draw on numerous conversations with the artist during her final years, and consider the English quality and sensitivity of her work.
One of Mary Fedden's works
He said: “It was pretty much an unadulterated pleasure for me to have been given the opportunity to write and compile a book about Mary Fedden (1915-2012). She was more than supportive. I was in contact with Mary for several years before, and during, the research for my book and this, of course, meant numerous visits to Durham Wharf on the river. Actually, almost in the river, particularly before the Thames Barrier. She told me how terrifying it had been at high tide sometimes when you could hear the water gurgling under the floorboards. My talk will concentrate on the many things I remember from my visits to Durham Wharf and the light these occasions shed on her and her work. “
“Mary Fedden” by Christopher Andreae is published in paperback by Lund Humphries at £19.99 www.lundhumphries.com and there will be an opportunity to buy signed copies of the book on the night at Chiswick Pier.
For further information on the Pier and how to get there, contact the Chiswick Pier Trust 020 8742 2713 or visit www.chiswickpier.org.uk.
October 29, 2014