Another collection for digitally excluded schoolchildren this weekend
Cllr Ron Mushiso and Cllr Gerald McGregor
The organisers of the collection of equipment to be given to digitally excluded local school children have described the laptops and tablets collected so far as ‘fabulous and varied’.
They have expressed gratitude to all the people who have turned up for the last two Saturdays to make donations with many bringing connectors, chargers and other accessories (including bags and covers) with their gift. Last weekend thirty usable devices were collected bring the total so far to over 100.
These donations are professionally checked, wiped and re-engineered for free at a commercially sponsored facility at Richmond Rugby Club. The ultimate beneficiaries will be students without their own IT access attending schools in West London (with senior schools the priority).
The open-air collection team, consisting of Cllr Ron Mushiso, Cllr Gerald McGregor and Peter Scott from Richmond Rugby Club, were wrapped up against the cold weather and observing Covid-19 precautions. They had the benefit of a canopy provided by top local independent estate agents Whitman & Co. The collection outside the church was facilitated by the Church Wardens and vicar of Christ Church, Turnham Green.
Another collection is to be made from the West Porch of the Church this Saturday (6 February) from 10am to midday. Laptops and tablets plus accessories are appreciated but mobile phones or desktops cannot be accepted.
There is a drive-in facility and a collector will come to the vehicle without you having to open the door.
If you don’t possess an old device but you would like to support the cause, then follow this link to donate towards the costs of the processing.
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February 1, 2021