Giving important historical and architectural details about the first 'garden suburb'
A new sign which gives detailed information about Bedford Park, the first 'garden suburb', has been erected for the benefit of both local people and visitors to Chiswick. The information sign, which has been organised by the Bedford Park Society, is located by St Michael and All Angel's Church and a formal ' handover' will take place later this month.
The sign has been customised in Bedford Park green, with a map of the conservation area , plus notes on the architecture and history and how the Bedford Park Society continues to protect the neighbourhood.
Picture courtesy of David Budworth
Local residents are being invited to attend the formal hand-over of the new information sign at a ceremony which will be held on the triangle of land in front of St Michael and All Angels church hall at 11.00am on June 21st.
The Society’s president, Nigel Woolner and deputy chairman Peter Murray, who jointly masterminded the project, plus Cecilia Powell, daughter of one of the donors, will ask Cllr Steve Curran, leader of Hounslow Council, to accept responsibility for the care and upkeep of the sign. It is hoped that a representative from Ealing Council leader will also attend as the Bedford Park conservation area is split between the two boroughs and the new sign is close to the border between them.
The Society has paid the £12,000 cost of purchase and installation. Funding came from a bequest from its late vice-president and former chairman Leonard Darke, Cecilia Powell's father, and from the trust set up by Tom Greeves, the Society’s late co-founder. Sadly, Tom's widow, Eleanor, is too frail to attend.
The elegant, modern design in metal and enamel, was created by Legible London for historic sites all round the capital. It has been customised in Bedford Park green, with a map of the first garden suburb, plus notes on the architecture and history and how the Society continues to protect the neighbourhood.
Local architect John Scott helped with the design, and it was manufactured by Woodhouse, who make all the Legible London signs.
Peter Murray, commented: “The new sign is located in the heart of the conservation area, by a path used by many local residents and visitors. We hope it will give them all a better understanding of how special and important Bedford Park is.”
The Society's web-site is
June 5, 2014