Project in Burlington Lane, part of the National Park City scheme
Earlier this week Abundance London collaborated with Rory Harding on planting up a 'Sleeping Beauty' hedge, filling the substantial gaps in an old and very threadbare hedge along Burlington Lane, between Chiswick House and Chiswick School.
A small (and discreet) donation provided the funding for the 700 whips (guelder rose, dog rose, hawthorn, wild privet, field covering a length of 140 metres along Burlington Lane, alongside Chiswick School, opposite Chiswick House and Gardens.
Abundance provided volunteers and Hounslow Highways scanned the site and provided some essential manpower. This is one of the projects for the National Park City, launching this summer.
Karen Liebreich said, 'By working together we have succeeded in creating what will be a lovely wildlife friendly feature, instead of a litter-strewn verge.'
The ‘Sleeping Beauty’ hedge is 50% Hawthorn, with Dog Rose, Field Maple, Guelder Rose, Hornbeam and Wild Privet. Rory Harding led the planting, with support from Karen Liebreich of Abundance London and Steve from London National Park City. The community volunteers were also aided some staff from Hounslow Highways.
She also issued a challenge to Transport for London, ' How about a Great West Hedge all the way along the A4, from Chiswick roundabout to Hammersmith? It might help with wildlife, but it could definitely help filter out some pollution for pedestrians, cyclists, residents and schoolchildren.'
Abundance London Twitter page.
March 27, 2019