No Room At The Inn

Local animal home full after influx of dumped pets

A local animal rescue home says it is struggling to cope with an influx of dumped and discarded animals in the run-up to Christmas.

The Mayhew Animal Home, which is just off Scrubs Lane on the outskirts of W12, says it has had to close its cattery because it is full to capacity with unwanted and abandoned pets.

The Home says it is only able to take in emergency cases at present, but that hasn't stopped people continuing to dump their animals at the centre. Four-month-old kitten, Advent (pictured left), was recently found abandoned in a box in the Home's reception area.

Mayhew veterinary staff also say they recently found a shoebox outside their doors with one-day-old kittens left inside, none of which were strong enough to survive.

“This is crisis time here at the Home. Our cattery and kennels are over-capacity and we are having to create make-shift accommodation areas here to care for all the animals coming through our doors,” said Mayhew Animal Care Manager, Gillian Rich.

“Pet owners seem to be reacting in a panic to the approach to Christmas and are dumping and abandoning their cats and dogs left, right and centre and it is left up to charities like The Mayhew to care for them and find them new homes.

“This is a desperate plea for people to think extremely carefully about getting a new pet for Christmas, as it looks like we will have little room to squeeze in the unwanted Christmas gifts after the holiday. A cat, or dog is a huge commitment and the rocketing figures of unwanted animals arriving at the Home is a sad reflection of our society’s throwaway attitude to pets.”

The Home says its kitten cabins are packed with litters of unwanted pets, with over 35 desperately needing new homes.

The Mayhew is one of the busiest animal sanctuaries in London, rescuing thousands of animals from cruelty and neglect each year.

December 4, 2009

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Mayhew Animal Home