Volunteers invited to join festival in September
Big Local, Phoenix School and community and regeneration organisation Urban Partnership Group, or UPG are currently at work planning a festival to celebrate White City and Wormholt.
The festival, taking place on Saturday September 22, will be a street party, reclaiming the green spaces of the area with dance performances on balconies, live bands in the streets, guerrilla gardening and rows of stalls celebrating local fayre.
The organisers will also be asking local visitors how they would like to see £1million which has been awarded to the area by the Big Lottery being spent.
The aim is to promote local groups and give residents as many options as possible for where the money might fall over the next ten years.
At its heart, the festival aims to be a celebration and sharing of local talent - an opportunity for local artists and organisations to promote themselves and make connections with each other.
The organisers are inviting artists, singers, musicians, dancers and all with an interest in performance, to join a flashmob event taking place in between the redbrick buildings of the White City Estate on September 22 from 12pm - 4pm.
Local organisations and businesses are also invited to join the party with stalls at the street fayre.
The event will culminate in a live jam involving as many local musicians as will, supporting the flashmob dancers in a grand performance on our outdoor stage on Commonwealth Avenue.
The stage will be flanked by stalls with food, crafts and stands upon which each organisation involved can promote their work/ group.
Anyone who would like to participate is asked to contact the organisers by emailing festival@ourbiglocal.org.uk.
There are no rules about what the work might be, only that it has its heart in the community and helps towards the theme of reclaiming the streets and green spaces of the area.
The festival follows a community day held in July when residents were invited to discuss the Big Local Lottery initiative which has allocated £1 million to spend on Wormholt and White City over the next ten years.
White City has been granted pilot Neighbourhood Budget status by the Government to potentially look at ways of making better use of the public money that is available for the area and to ensure residents have far more say on how that money is spent.
White City is one of ten areas in the country to be granted pilot Neighbourhood Budget status.
You can also give your views on how the money should be spent and rate other people's ideas by filling in the Big Local online survey.
Popular suggestions so far include new youth and after school clubs for 10 - 19 year-olds, installing CCTV, more activities for older people and creating a small scale nature reserve.
August 24, 2012