Plans for Dairy Crest Site Submitted to Council

"Brickfields" to offer 1,150 homes, offices, shops, cafes and public square

Helical Bar and Aviva Investments, the companies planning to redevelop the 10 acre former Dairy Crest site in White City  have submitted outline plans for a mixed use development on the former Dairy Crest site in White City.

The application follows a public meeting last week when the plans were shown off to local residents.

The scheme, to be known as Brickfields after one of the first industrial uses for the land would create 1,150 homes, plus offices and shops alongside a community facility and new public space.

The entrance to the scheme, designed by architect Eric Parry,  will be through a large urban square, fronted by shops and cafés. The central point of the scheme will be a public garden, fronted on all sides by homes, designed to feel like a traditional London square.

Matthew Bonning-Snook of Helical Bar says: " We are extremely excited about our proposals for Brickfields. The Eric Parry design code for the masterplan uses a predominantly natural palette of brick and stone to create sustainable and attractive buildings which, alongside the public realm and amenities, will form a genuine new London community.”

The developers hope that a decision will be made by the council by December.

If the plans are approved, they will consult the public on more detailed plans for each building, and expect to start work on the development in late 2013.


July 25, 2012