Developers Host Forum over Plans for Dairy Crest Site

Meeting at White City Community Centre on November 29

Helical Bar and Aviva Investments, the companies preparing plans to redevelop the 10 acre former Dairy Crest site in White City are consulting local people at a Stakeholders' Forum being held in White City Community Centre, India Way on Tuesday November 29 from 7.30pm till 9pm.

The developers say the forum will be the first of a series of consultations and aims to provide an opportunity to find out more about the site, their vision for its future redevelopment and an opportunity for local residents to add their input to the design process at this early stage of the project's evolution.

In May this year, they appointed Eric Parry Architects to create a masterplan for a proposed mixed use development which will include 1,500 new homes.

They add that space at Tuesday's forum is limited, so if you would like to attend, they ask you to let them know in advance by emailing Taniem Mueen at or calling 020 7566 7964.

The former Dairy Crest site is part of the White City Opportunity Area, an area of land earmarked by Hammersmith and Fulham Council and the Mayor of London for major regeneration.

Other plans for this area include a new £6 million extension to Westfield shopping centre.

Westfield submitted an outline planning application to Hammersmith and Fulham Council earlier this year for its proposals, which are for a new residential and retail mixed use quarter on nine hectares of land directly to the north of the existing centre. This site currently houses the bus station, a number of warehouses and distribution buildings and the Grade II listed DIMCO building.

The BBC, which has already sold its Woodlands site to Imperial College, also put its iconic Television Centre on the market. It has also been reported that the BBC is considering moving from its White City Media Village complex, sparking rumours that the site could be used to build a new football stadium for either QPR or Chelsea Football Clubs.

You can read more about the council's proposals for what it calls the White City Improvement Area here.


November 28, 2011