Patrick Barr will attempt to win seat vacated by Ruth Cadbury on Hounslow Council
Patrick Barr has been chosen as the Conservative Party candidate for the Brentford ward by-election which will be held on 9 July 2015. The vacancy was created by the departure of Ruth Cadbury who was elected MP for Brentford & Isleworth in the general election in May.
The Notice of Election is now on display at the Civic Centre can also be read on the council’s Elections and Voting pages. webpages .
The candidate nomination period opened today. The deadline for nominations is 4pm on Friday 12 June 2015.
Patrick stood as a candidate for the local elections for Southfield, Ealing in 2014 and was involved in the campaign to have the Piccadilly Line stop at Turnham Green.
Patrick Barr lives in the Great West Quarter, Brentford. He was an A&E Charge Nurse and now works as a Nurse Rehabilitation Case Manager assessing people in their homes post accident or injury and co-ordinating their rehabilitation.
To vote in the by-election, you must be registered to vote, live in the Brentford ward and also be one of the following:
A British citizen living abroad who is registered as an overseas elector cannot vote in local government elections.
Poll cards are being posted to all registered electors from today (4 June).
The candidate nomination period opens at 10am on Thursday 4 June 2015. Nomination papers can be submitted Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm during this period. The deadline for nominations is 4pm on Friday 12 June 2015. Information on how to submit a nomination, including the forms that need to be completed is available here.
The deadline for people to apply to register to vote in the by-election on 9 July is midnight on Tuesday 23 June . Click for information on registering to vote.
If voting in person at your local polling station is not convenient for you, you can choose to vote by post. If you want a postal vote you have to apply.
The deadline to apply for a postal vote or a postal proxy vote for the first time or to amend a postal or postal proxy voting arrangement in time for the by-election is 5pm on Wednesday 24 June.
You can only vote by post or apply to vote by post if you're registered to vote. You can have a permanent postal vote or you can have one just for this by-election. To apply for a postal vote, complete this form and return it to Hounslow Electoral Services, Civic Centre, Lampton Road. Hounslow. TW3 4DN.
If you have a postal vote, your ballot paper will be sent to you before polling day in time for you to complete it and return it to the Returning Officer.
The vote has to be with the Returning Officer by the close of poll (10pm) on polling day.
If you decide to vote by post you will not be able to vote at a polling station but you can hand your postal ballot paper into a polling station in your ward.
In certain circumstances, you can appoint someone else to vote for you. This is called voting by proxy or a proxy vote, however you must have a valid reason for having a proxy vote such as a disability or working away.
You can have a permanent proxy or you can appoint a proxy for one election. If you make a permanent arrangement, you will need your doctor or employer to support your application. If you appoint a proxy for just one election, you do not need anyone to support your application.
If you want a proxy vote you have to apply. The deadline to apply for a proxy vote for the first time in time for the by-election is 5pm on Wednesday 1 July . The deadline to change or cancel existing proxy arrangements in time for the by-election is 5pm on Wednesday 24 June.
June 4, 2015