Following the news of the terrible attacks on two mosques in New Zealand,
Cllr Steve Curran, Leader of Hounslow Council, said: “Today’s
heart-breaking news highlights a tragic, cowardly and savage attack on
people wishing to practice their religion in peace in Christchurch, New
Zealand, and I echo the Prime Ministers of both New Zealand and Australia
in describing this as a terrorist attack carried out by an extreme right-wing
violent terrorist whose aim is to divide and destroy the diversity we
celebrate in our country.
“On behalf of the council and all our residents, we send our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and the injured.
“Terrorism has no borders or religion, and we will continue to work closely with our diverse communities to further build resilience to extremist narratives that could lead to such acts. We will also offer our support for those affected by the tragedy.
“We all need to remain vigilant and alert to potentially extremist activity in the borough and, where necessary, contact the police on 999 or the Counter Terrorism Hotline on 0800 789 321. We have been assured of highly visible policing around mosques across London today, but our vigilance should be maintained whether going to a place of worship or otherwise.”
The Mayor of Hounslow, Cllr Samia Chaudhary, added: “These are
terrible events, but we need to stand together and show that our communities
are stronger together than any terrorist attack. On the day when many
will be attending prayers at mosques, my own thoughts and prayers are
with those who have been affected by the attacks in New Zealand.”
March 15, 2019