Local Children Get Lessons in Democracy

More than 500 will get a chance to vote in mock elections


More than 500 pupils from 14 primary schools will be casting their votes at the Civic Centre next week.

The schoolchildren will be taking part in mock elections next week as part of Local Democracy Week.

Cllr Sue Sampson, cabinet member for performance and customer care, said:

“Every year we celebrate Local Democracy Week and organise events that bring together our politicians with future generations of electors.

“We are looking forward to seeing more young people then ever before in the Civic Centre, where they will find out more about the impact their vote will have when they reach 18.

“Local Democracy Week is a great way of explaining what we do at the council, and helps the young people understand how we can affect many aspects of their lives – from the schools they attend, to the neighbourhoods they live in.

“I hope they find the visit informative and fun, and make sure they exercise their democratic rights in the future to make a real difference to their local community.”

The children will be visiting the Civic Centre to learn about the many services provided by the council as well as what it’s like to work for a local authority.

They will also learn about how democracy works on a local level, as well as in general elections and European Parliamentary elections.

Deputy Mayor Cllr Mindu Bains will be meeting some of the children, along with former Mayors Cllr John Chatt, Cllr Paul Lynch and Cllr Amrit Mann.

October 10, 2012