Public meeting to discuss Ealing and Hounslow
Local people are invited to attend a public meeting about the future of the fire service in the boroughs of Ealing and Hounslow at 7pm on Monday, 13 May.
The London Fire Brigade is holding a public meeting at the Victoria Hall, Ealing Town Hall, New Broadway, Ealing, W5 2BY so that residents can have their say on the future of the fire and rescue service.
The London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority (LFEPA), the political body which runs the London Fire Brigade, is consulting on its Draft Fifth London Safety Plan, which outlines how the Authority will deliver the capital’s fire and rescue service over the next three years.
Sean Bennett the Brigade’s Borough Commander for Ealing, said: “The meetings have been arranged for local people to come along and hear about the changes being proposed to the fire service across London, as part of the Draft Fifth London Safety Plan.”
Included in the plan are details of how the Authority proposes to make savings worth £28.8m, including closing 12 fire stations, removing 18 fire engines, relocating four fire engines and reducing the number of firefighter posts by 520.
This would be done while maintaining existing response time targets of getting the first fire engine to an incident, on average across London, in six minutes and the second, if needed in eight minutes. These are amongst the fastest target response times of any emergency service in the country and almost twice as fast as some other brigades. However, some boroughs will see reduced actual attendance times.
After attending the meetings to learn more about the proposals, the Brigade hopes people will then take part in the consultation which is available online at The consultation ends on Monday 17 June.
For full details of the plan proposals and to take part in the online consultation go to:
When consultation on the full plan is complete, all of the responses received will be analysed. A report will be prepared and considered by LFEPA, who make decisions on the proposals in the Plan. The final decision is expected to be made later this year, but not before June 2013.
A draft version of the safety plan is available here
May 2, 2013