It's all happening in Gunnersbury Park this summer

Adventures in Narnia or spend half an hour with Hancock

Adventures in Narnia (ages 8 to 11yrs)
Monday 21 to Friday 25 August, 10am to 4pm
Admission: £80
Explore the magical world of C.S.Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in our five day drama workshop…games, improvisation and script-work, ending with a short performance for family and friends.

Theatre Art & Design (ages 9 to 16 yrs)
Monday 21 to Friday 25 August, 10am to 4pm
Call the Education Department on 020 8992 2247
Admission: £80.00 (includes cost of art materials)
Can you create the enchanting world of Narnia? A five day course running concurrently with the Narnia drama workshop. Design and make the set and props, and be the crew for the performance!

Call 020 8992 2247 for more details.

The Tony Hancock Exhibition
Free admission
An exhibition on the life and work of comedy actor Tony Hancock, featuring memorabilia, scripts and sets from his television and radio series.

Hancock – his life in half an hour
Sunday 27 Aug and 24 Sept, 2pm-2.45pm
Free admission
On the last Sunday of every month during the summer, Gunnersbury Park Museum will hold a free talk on the life of Tony Hancock to accompany the exhibition. Malcolm Chapman, the Archivist of the Tony Hancock Appreciation Society, will talk about Hancock’s life and career and be available in the exhibition room to answer questions. Places will be available on a first come first served basis.

August 11, 2006

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How, where, when

Gunnersbury Park Museum, Pope’s Lane, Acton, W3 8LQ

Gunnersbury Park Museum

Admission is free to the museum

Action urged to save Gunnersbury Park