More Primary School Places in Borough

New school in Acton and expansion in Southall

There will be more primary school places in Acton and Southall from September.

Ealing Council’s cabinet agreed last night (17 February) to invest £5million in permanently expanding Beaconsfield Primary, Southall. This September, the school will temporarily increase the number of reception children admitted from 30 to 60. However, in 2016, this arrangement will become permanent and the school will admit two classes of 30 children (60 in total) every year, eventually creating an extra 210 places across the school.

A new primary school will also open in Acton this September. Ark Byron Primary Academy will admit 60 reception pupils each year, eventually creating 420 spaces for local families when full. The school will temporarily share premises with Ark Priory Academy, also in Acton, while their new building is constructed near Acton Park.

Cabinet also heard that work is continuing to create more high school places in the borough, including supporting free school applications in Ealing and Acton and expanding existing secondary schools, where appropriate.

Councillor Binda Rai, cabinet member for children and young people, said: “We are constantly exploring opportunities to ensure we provide enough school places for our growing population we will continue to respond to local demand where needed. These latest projects will help to ease pressure in Southall and Acton and give more children the opportunity to get an education at a local primary school.

“Our focus has now widened to include high schools and we are now putting our plans into action; ensuring that there are enough places for when our primary-aged children grow older and move to secondary school. Elthorne Park High School and Brentside High School, both in Hanwell, have already been approved for further expansion.”

The decision was taken by Ealing Council’s cabinet on Tuesday, 17 February. All cabinet decisions are subject to a call-in period of five working days from the date of publication of the minutes of the meeting.


18th February 2015