Ealing Council Misses Target on Fly-tip Clearance

Report that shows nearly a quarter not removed in required time

Councillor Gary Malcolm with some examples of fly-tipping in Ealing borough

February 4, 2025

The opposition Liberal Democrats are highlighting a report presented recently to Ealing Council’s cabinet which shows that a number of performance targets are being missed including for fly-tip clearance.

Figures showed that 23% of fly-tips are not removed within the council’s designated limit for its key performance indicator (KPI) on the matter. This is categorised in the report as Red or the lowest performance ranking.

Overall, there was a Red ranking for 24% of KPIs with low performance against target for housing repairs, both emergency and non-emergency. The report highlighted IT issues as an explanation of why service was falling short in this area.

Ealing Council has implemented several measures to address fly-tipping, including enforcement actions and community engagement. In the 2022/23 financial year it issued the second highest number of fixed penalty notices for fly tipping behind Wandsworth.

Despite these efforts, fly-tipping remains a significant issue in Ealing. In 2023, the council spent approximately £869,265 on clearing fly-tipped waste.

Liberal Democrat Councillor Gary Malcolm, Leader of the Opposition, said, “Liberal Democrats have said for a long time that the Council needs to do the basics right such as removing fly-tips, leaves and little quickly and efficiently but we see that the Labour run Ealing Council fail at these simple tasks. We have said more enforcement. And on housing repairs, a large number of tenants suffer because of Council IT issues meaning some small issues get worse and some urgent matters seem to be ignored or not dealt with any importance. Liberal Democrats are standing up for tenants in Ealing.”

Information about what to do if you see fly tipping in Ealing is on this page.

An Ealing Council spokesperson said, “Greener Ealing’s fly tip collection rate is usually over 90% - the target is 95% within the next working day.

“Fly tipping has increased by 73% in the last year making this target challenging. To tackle this, we are looking at new ways of working directly with residents via a partnership with Litter Action Group for Ealing Residents (LAGER can). We are also reallocating resources, taking enforcement action where appropriate and rolling out a campaign to change behaviours to tackle fly-tipping.”

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