Crime Falls But Rape Reports Increase

End of year figures from the Metropolitan Police

Reported crime in London has fallen by 6.2%, and property crime is down in Ealing but the number of rape cases has increased by nearly a third according to figures from the Metropolitan Police.

46,000 fewer crimes were reported in the capital in the last financial year, with burglary at its lowest level in 40 years.

There were more than 7,500 fewer burglaries in London in 2013/14 compared with 2012/13 - a reduction of 8%, bringing burglary down to its lowest level in London since 1974.

The Met has introduced a range of operational activity and use of innovative techniques to tackle burglary, including predictive crime mapping, the use of traceable liquids, improved forensic strategies and the use of cross-borough burglary teams to catch offenders.

Ealing Borough Commander Nev Nolan said: “We have seen an overall decrease in property crime. We will continue to make use of all the MPS specialist resources across Ealing in addition to our dedicated borough teams to make further progress and ultimately fewer victims. Operations Cubo, Ringtone and Big Wing are to name but a few of the many pro active activities we undertake across the borough to keep Ealing safe.”

The number of crimes involving violence causing injury was up 1.5 per cent. Police said this was due to an increase in domestic violence cases, rather than street violence.

There was also a 31 per cent jump in the number of rapes reported in London — 4,170 in the last year, compared to 3,168 over the previous 12 months.

Assistant Commissioner Simon Byrne, from the Metropolitan Police Service, said:"Crime is down by 6.2%, with burglary at its lowest in 40 years and robbery at its lowest in 15 years. We’ve also had some excellent results in tackling gangs, weapon-related crime and youth violence.

“This has all been achieved as a result of a lot of hard work by our officers across London and support from our partners to bring offenders to justice and improve our service to victims.

“We are moving in the right direction, but there’s still a great deal of work to do to cut crime further. I hope the people of London will be reassured by these successes and our commitment to making our city a safe and great place to be.”

The force has been set a target by the mayor of reducing crime by 20%

April 23rd 2014

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Metropolitan Police

Ealing MPS