Heathrow poll against third runway

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Local MP delivers �No Third Runway� message to Minister

One last chance to sign petition against airport expansion

Local MP Ann Keen�s campaign against a third runway has continued with her submission to the Department of Transport�s consultation process. Ann�s submission included the hundreds of letters she has received from constituents, including many from users of ChiswickW4.com and BrentfordTW8.com, along with her views on why a third runway should not be built at Heathrow.

Ann Keen said: �I felt it was vital that my views and those of my constituents were heard at the highest level. My submission expressed in the strongest terms that I oppose a third runway being built at Heathrow. I detailed the severe problems the existing aircraft numbers create in terms of noise over schools and houses as well as the risks to health and made it clear that the area would not be able to sustain a third runway. I am very grateful to the users of ChiswickW4.com and BrentfordTW8.com for taking the time to write to me on this important issue their letters and emails have greatly added to the submission.�

�I am also putting together a large petition against a third runway that I will present to the House of Commons it has been signed by people across the community. I hope that people will continue to sign this petition so that the true extent of the community�s concern can be heard. If all the users of the websites sign the petition it will make a real impact I hope that you will all visit the Hounslow Council website and download it.�

Ann has extended the deadline to receive copies of the petition to this Wednesday - they can be sent to Ann Keen, House of Commons, SW1A 0AA.

July 6, 2003

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