Walk to Work for Those Who Do So Every Day in the Third World
On Friday 16th October, people across the world will be walking to work for the MicroLoan Foundation and raising money to help women in Africa to set up their own businesses.
Walkers will pay a small donation to register and walk, be it 1 mile or 10 miles. They will then make their journeys to work on foot, as MicroLoan clients do everyday of their lives. People can also raise money through collecting sponsorship for their efforts.
Individuals or groups may choose to walk to work, school, or anywhere else that inspires them, with all monies raised going towards helping people in the third world to start their own micro-businesses and become self-sufficient. People also have the option to “Walk the Week” starting on Monday 12th October.
Walk to Work is a perfect incentive to take part in a healthy, environmentally-friendly cause at the end of summer. Most importantly, it raises much-needed awareness and funds for individuals in the third world lacking the credit opportunities and transport infrastructure that is taken for granted in the developed world.
Wherever you live, 12-16th October is a chance to actively show your solidarity with some of those living in less fortunate circumstances. Join the Microloan Foundation in taking part through walking, cycling or jogging to work that day.
For more information and to register, please visit www.walktowork.org.uk or call 020 827 1688.
August 19, 2009