Chiswick Group Cares for Carers

Help at hand for those looking after older people locally

People who care for an older person in Chiswick, Brentford or Isleworth and don’t know where to turn to for support can come along to The Chiswick Carers Support Group.

The group meets every first Monday of the month at Christ Church in Turnham Green for an informal gathering between 1.30pm and 3pm. The next meeting will take place on November 7th.

People enjoy a cup of tea and have a chat about issues that affect them or the person they care for. There is no charge for attendance and anything discussed is treated in confidence.

Speakers from Social Services and Health are regular visitors to the meeting to answer questions and concerns. Recent issues brought up by the group have included Direct Payments and energy saving. If you care for a relative, friend or neighbour in any way you are welcome to attend.

Pam Harris, Care Co-ordinator, said: “Some people do not realise they are a carer and therefore entitled to some support from us. For example, if you go shopping for an older neighbour you are caring for them and deserve an opportunity to voice a concern you might have about their welfare.

“The group gives people who care for someone the opportunity to get things off their chests. It could be a minor irritation or a serious complaint. The idea is to support each other by sharing our concerns in an informal way. Sometimes people will raise issues that we cannot deal with there and then. So, I will invite the relevant professional to come along and provide some answers. So if you are a carer in any shape or form, you are entitled to some support from us. Come along and have your say!”

The group also has an annual Christmas party. If you would like to know more about the service, please contact Pam Harris on 020 8583 3239.

November 2, 2005

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