Councillor Claims Democracy is Dead in Acton

Reduction in Area Committee Meetings brings angry response

A Lib. Dem. councillor has attacked the local Council for implementing another reduction in the number of Area Committee meetings.

Councillor Gary Malcolm, Vice-Chair of Acton’s Area Committee, has accused Labour of trying to avoid meeting the public after the abandonment of a meeting in January.

Cllr. Malcolm told the Council that they should have an extra meeting in addition to the January meeting. March was suggested in order to deal with proposed CPZ changes but no reason has been given as to why this cannot be held.

He said, "Lib Dems want the council to have more local meetings in Acton since the issues affect people in Acton and Southfield. Labour have a history of reducing local meetings – there used to be six per year and now there are only four. What are they afraid of?"

According to Council Malcolm meetings during 2005 were postponed a number of times and residents were unable to find out the revised dates. He says that his party would have 8 committee meeting a year and actively publicise them to raise attendance. Cllr. Malcolm express concerns that the next step maybe to save more money by merging some area committees.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday 28th February.

February 2, 2006