Chiswick School 'Outstanding' In External Review

Part of Challenge Partnership with like-minded schools

Chiswick School has obtained an ‘Outstanding’ rating in all areas for the second year running in an external review - while it is not an Ofsted inspection, the Challenge Partnership review covers much of the same ground and is an indication of progress.

Chiswick was one of the first cohort of schools to join Challenge Partners in 2011. The organization brings together like-minded schools that wish to work together to embed sustained school improvement. The organization has grown from an initial cohort of 34 schools to over 250 nationally.

One of the main benefits of membership is the annual review, this is led by an Ofsted lead inspector and brings together senior members of staff from schools across the country to work as a team over three days to look at data, talk to school leaders and staff, interview students and observe lessons across all Key Stages. Whilst the review does not mirror an Ofsted inspection, it covers much of the same ground and can be viewed as a reliable indicator of school progress.

“In many ways this is perhaps the way that school quality assurance visits should be carried out in the future,” said Tony Ryan, headteacher. “This is by no means an easy touch review. All colleagues working with the lead have undertaken a rigorous training programme before they are accepted onto a review team,” we are all reviewing each others schools so if anything, the desire to reach accurate judgments is greater.”

‘Outstanding’ judgments were obtained on the quality of school improvement strategies, quality of student achievement and attainment and for the quality of teaching & learning observed during the review period.

The school also selects an area of outstanding practice, which is then quality assured by the team. Having focused successfully on The Sixth Form, Mathematics and History in previous years reviews, this year the team honed in on the schools use of digital technologies to enhance the quality of teaching and student learning.

We are delighted that the review team verified this area as being ‘exceptional’ with technology now thoroughly embedded into student learning and helping to provide higher-level student outcomes.

“I am delighted for everyone involved with the school” Said Mr. Ryan. “Students, staff, governors and parents have worked so hard over recent years to embed continuous school improvement, whilst we believe that we are now working at the highest level, it is good to hear that other highly trained professionals agree with our judgments. We will push on, we always intended to push beyond Ofsted outstanding to produce a truly exceptional school.”

March 20, 2015