Consultation on Future of Boston Manor Park

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Consultation on Future of Boston Manor Park

Please respond despite very short notice

Jura Consultants have been commissioned by London Borough of Hounslow Council to complete a study exploring the future use of Boston Manor House & Park.

As part of the study a series of consultation events at Boston Manor are being held on Thursday 3rd and Friday 4th September.

The Friends of Boston Manor House have said they "are delighted to see that at last Hounslow are moving forward on trying to secure a heritage lottery bid on the house following the options appraisal in 2011 and urge everyone to take part in this consultation to secure our heritage”

The purpose of the consultation is to share some ideas for the House and Park and to gather feedback from existing and potential future user groups. The events will be informal with refreshments provided. A variety of events will be held over the two days. Including

Focus Group:               Thursday 3rd September, 11am – 1pm         
Drop-In Sessions:         Thursday 3rd September, 2pm – 7pm
                                  Friday 4th September, 10am – 2pm

Jura Consultants will also be available during the course of the two days for a one-to-one interview should this be preferable/ more convenient. All sessions will be held in the Boston Manor House Dining Room.

All events are open to all audiences. If you would like to attend either the focus group or schedule an interview slot please could you email detailing your preference, your name, the group/s you are a member of (if applicable) and how many people will be attending.

We have asked Jura Consultants why the very short notification and lack of publicity for this "consultation".

September 2, 2015