Don’t save it for a rainy day

Advice from the Italian Plumber (Ad)

It’s always wise to save money for a rainy day, especially putting a jar aside to fill with loose change. It means that when autumn does finally come around, you can treat yourself and your loved ones to something fun while you’re confined indoors.

However,there are some things you shouldn’t save for a rainy day, like your plumbing problems.

A leaky tap or on-the-blink boiler might be a minor inconvenience now, but when it gets a lot worse over the colder autumn months, you’ll wish you had sorted it sooner.

Don’t save it for a rainy day. Give the Italian Plumber a call and get it sorted today.

Samuele The Italian Plumber

Other blog posts by Samuele can be read at

Until next time, if you have any plumbing or heating issues around the home, give us a call on 020 8945 7457.


October 27, 2023