Justine Greening MP speaks to Putney & Roehampton

on Thames Water, prepay Oyster cards, Putney Job Centre & more...

Hello everyone,

As ever, a hectic time both in Parliament and across the constituency - Thames Water issues, Putney JobCentre closing, Oyster cards raised with Alistair Darling to name a few, but read on for more details:

Thames Water and local water pressure:

As many of you may know, Thames Water has not met its standards on fixing leaks across the London area.  We're now reaping the bad news from that, as Thames Water proposes to reduce the water pressure at Putney Pump station to reduce leakage, rather than investing more money in new pipes.  For people living in some of our flats on the Alton estate, it means that the pressure will not be enough to get water to them, so leaseholders and the Council are being charged to put in water booster pumps.  I think it's up to Thames Water to sort out its leaks problem instead of pushing the problem onto residents, so I've written to Thames Water management and Ofwat, the water regulator.I also raised the issue in Parliament with Elliot Morely the Environment Minister as I think its possibly outside the terms of the Water Industry Act 1991.  He agreed it was unacceptable and is looking into the problem for me.

Oyster/Pre-paid cards at Putney Mainline station - light at the end of the tunnel?:

Again, an issue I've been able to raise directly in the Commons this week with the Secretary of State for Transport, Alastair Darling.  It is a good time to get things changed because the South Western line franchise is up for tender next February.  I want to make sure that whoever gets the tender tackles the issue of prepay/Oyster cards being able to be used and charged up.  Now Alastair Darling has confirmed in the Commons that the government will have this as a requirement when it sends out its tender document to bidders.  I've already written to the various franchise bidders to ask them to include this, but ultimately the best way to make sure it is tackled is to have it as a requirement.  Alastair Darling has told me it will be, so we'll see what happens. (For full text click here )

Putney JobCentre Closing:
Putney JobCentre is closing at the end of March and from now on people will have to travel to Wandsworth JobCentre for advice and support getting back to work.  I'm very concerned that this is a backward step and it will be far more difficult for people looking for work to get help.  It will be very expensive to get from Roehampton to Wandsworth on the bus, and I am concerned that frontline services are being cutback from local people.  I'm challenging the decision with Work and Pensions Secretary John Hutton. If you are affected by this and having problems getting help to get back into work, please do contact me on 0208 944 0378 or via email greeningj@parliament.uk to let me know.

Justine Greening MP with Roehampton Citizens Advice Bureau Manager .......

Finally, as ever, I'm out and about meeting local residents, voluntary groups and people delivering our public services - last week, I took a look round the new Queen Mary's Hospital site, and this week, I supported the opening of the Roehampton Citizens Advice Bureau new office, opened by HRH Princess Royal.  I'm sure both will serve our local community for many years to come.

Don't forget to get in touch if you need my help, or have an issue that you'd like to raise.  You can also write to me at 3 Summerstown, SW17 0BQ or email me at greeningj@parliament.uk.  Also, I have my weekly MP surgeries, and if you'd like to come along to discuss an issue, give my office a call on 0208 944 0378. 


Best Wishes,

Justine Greening MP

March 23, 2006