Justine Greening MP writes to Putney

Crime, Roehampton buses, and more.....


Hello everyone,

As usual, a busy fortnight!


On local issues, I’ve met with local police to discuss the growing problem of antisocial behaviour in our area. I getting increasingly concerned with the crime – and too often violent crime - that is taking place right across the constituency. I have spoken directly with Chief Superintendent Joe Royle, Borough Commander about the matter to emphasise my great concerns. In Southfields a man lost his eye as the result of being beaten up by a gang at night. We need more police out patrolling our streets and urgently. Because we have fewer now than in 1997, we really start to see the impact on our local community when the police are under pressure to support anti-terrorism measures in central London and soon, to police longer licensing hours.

Roehampton Buses

I’ve also asked London Buses to take a fresh look at buses serving Roehampton – improving capacity on the no 85 bus route to Kingston and potentially a new service better linking Roehampton and Putney. Hopefully I can meet them directly to discuss what we can do shortly. There is so much congestion in the area because the Robin Hood Gate remains closed anyhow, that it is incumbent on transport chiefs to give people better choices to use public transport rather than their cars.

WBC/Night Flights/Mental Health/Queen Mary’s

On other matters, I’ve met several times with Wandsworth Borough Council to discuss local education issues, housing and also the ongoing campaign against night flights – the government wants to increase them 10% - when instead it should be banning them altogether. I also attended the South West London Mental Health Trust Public Meeting on its proposed closure of local day hospitals and visited the new Queen Mary’s Hospital site to discuss how that is progressing.

I’m meeting with the District Line manager, Bob Thorogood this Friday, so will update everyone on that in my next posting.

Finally, I’ve attended two VE/VJ day remembrance services – one in Battersea Park and one in City Hall. Though I spend most of my time trying to make our voices heard now and in the future, without the amazing sacrifice and efforts of those people we rightly commemorate, our country would not be free today.

Best Wishes,

Justine Greening MP

August 25, 2005