Hammersmith Advertising. Promotion for local businesses

Advertising on HammersmithToday.co.uk

Advertising on HammersmithToday.co.uk

HammersmithToday.co.uk has over 2,000 registered members and currently receives around 10,000 visitors each month.

It is the only dedicated media for the Hammersmith area and is completely independent of the Local Authority.

If you are interested contact info@neighbournet.com or call 020 8994 7888.

Display Advertising on HammersmithToday.co.uk

For businesses with a larger budget display advertising should be considered. Listings are included in package prices which also include:

  • E-mail newsletter - a 20 word advert for your business appears in a fortnightly e-mail that currently reaches over 2000 local residents
  • On-site advertising - see the ad at the top of this page. This allows you to reach the 10,000+ people who visit the site each month.

Benefits are a minimum - generally we give our customers more ad displays and appearances in the newsletter than they have paid for. Payment must be made in advance.

VAT needs to be added to all prices quoted. All payments must be made by standing order

Cost per month (exc. VAT)
Package benefits

5,000 ad displays per month
Enhanced listing on site
Once every two months in the e-mail newsletter


12,000 ad displays per month
Ad design
Enhanced listing on site
Advertise on the front page
Once every month in the e-mail newsletter

If you need to know more call 020 8994 7888 or e-mail info@neighbournet.com

Advertorial on HammersmithToday.co.uk

Our advertorial package includes the appearance of an article on your business for at least six weeks on the site's front page as well as once in the email newsletter. In addition it will be shared on our social media channels (Twitter/Facebook).

Text and images supplied by client.

Cost is just £100 plus VAT.

Estate Agent Advertising on HammersmithToday.co.uk

HammersmithToday.co.uk publishes regular updates on the local property market. It is the only place where information and analysis is available for the area and is the essential guide for people interested in property in the area.

Advertising rates include priority listing in our property database assuming data is supplied in a suitable format

Listing Your Business on HammersmithToday.co.uk

To enter a listing visit our HammersmithToday.co.uk Directory

Enhanced listings of up to 75 words plus a picture or logo are available for 6 months at £60 plus VAT or £100 plus VAT for the year.

Advertising Across the Neighbour Net Network of Sites

If you are a larger advertiser interested in broader geographical coverage please contact us and we will send you our latest media pack and rate card.

E-mail info@neighbournet.com or call 020 8994 7888.

Terms and Conditions