New Charging Station on the A4
I have now twice used the all electric charging station on the Great West Road by Oil Mill Lane.!pages/shared:common:hfroad008On Sunday evening it was at full capacity. It’s an absolute dream compared to relying on the dodgy lamp posts in Chiswick. , So often they malfunctioned or I got a PCN because I didn’t understand Hounslow’s complex parking rules. Don’t get me started on non functioning Source chargers. Or the fact that Mid Chiswick doesn’t even have any lamp post chargers at all, we just got left out of the plan East Chiswick and Glebe have stacks. As so often, the private sector delivers the solutions that people need, rather the top down way Hounslow operate. Oh and the new M&S is open too. Even you don’t have an EV it’s useful to park and shop. Perhaps it’s the beginning of the end for charger anxiety. My car was fully charged in 40 mins while I stocked up with food, and caught up with family on the phone. A little cafe might be nice. PS no I don’t work for BP, just relieved.
Jackie Elton ● 52d17 Comments