😂😂😂😂 we should be playing to our strength, we can’t compete with China, USA on tech but we are Brillant re creative industries TV, Films, production etc, AI will achieve one thing if they get it right and reduce the number of civil servants, hence the burden on tax payers, commercial companies are already doing this 😂😂😂 one has to laugh Labour are digging themselves a massive hole they have no creative thought at all! with all those years in the shadows one would have thought they had the time to develop some smart ideas clearly not, same old stuff tax, increase debt and spend. Keir & RR are truly devoid of any creative thought. They appear to have zero commercial awareness. You have to laugh at RR £600M over 5 years truly shocking, clearly she has no negotiating skills she should be talking billions not millions.
Jayne Thorburn ● 58d