'The Brentford TV Facebook page has a well-deserved reputation for being capable of starting a fight in a warehouse , no doubt in line with the editor's background as the editor of the Take a Break magazine'I think Guy isn't understanding the reasons that the Brentford TV page he mentions is read by so many, I'd have said the reputation is more shining a light into some murky corners where LBH is concerned. In case he hasn't noticed we do not have any local press to speak of. The Herald is hardly ever seen outside Chiswick, The Hounslow Chronicle has barely anything in it and The Richmond and Twickenham Times has more about Croydon and other areas in S.W. London than around here. This has allowed the council to do just as they like without fear of hardly anyone reading about it, where once upon a time in the days of The Brentford & Chiswick Times and the real Chronicle every week, local reporters attended council meetings and interviewed councillors, and communicated with the council Press Office. So the Brentford TV Fb page has filled a massive gap, and it is disappointing to hear that Guy Lambert seems to be accusing the Editor of sensationalising the pretty disgraceful behaviour of - in particular, the Leader and his Deputy, and others, regarding the treatment of the Albany Parade businesses. The Leader when first elected was shooting his mouth off about being a 'listening council' and made some pretty grandiose promises about working with people which have proved so empty, these people have to be held to account by someone because they have got away with so much - you'd have thought the way they have treated Guy and indeed Katherine Dunne too, would have at last led to some realisation what a sorry bunch they are. To treat two of their number so appallingly, whilst at the same time totally ignoring the useless, bone idle Cllr. Sarai whose Dad just happens to be a big mate of the Leader just says it all. More power to Brentford TV - Who else is watching what is going on for us?
Vanessa Smith ● 67d