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Pension age should have been put up many years ago and was talked about as people are now and have been living for longer for many years.  It used to be pretty unheard of to live to 100. No political party had the guts to put the age up because they were worried about losing popularity and power. Even when it did actually happen it became a scandal as many women were not written to and warned or not warned in time that the pension age was changing.  They then found themselves living on their savings if they had any until their pensions kicked in unless they could stay on working.  That is another scandal of the many where promises have been made and yet no action has been taken to recompense people for their loss. is well-known that it can be better to introduce unpopular changes at the beginning of a new government rather than closer to another election.  Unfortunately there has been a lot of messing about with climate change denial particularly in the Conservative party when we could and should have been working towards finding solutions to reducing our need for foreign and our own gas and electricity by finding good ways to comfortably and safely insulate and ventilate our homes without causing structural damage.  There is a lot of retrofitting that needs to be done as well as building new homes suitable for the future.There are exhibitions eg every year and there are often webinars to be found on Youtube. have been working to create retrofitting solutions as we have so many homes where this is necessary.It is all very well claiming that you have worked all your life and paid your stamps but unfortunately you do need to do more than that as you need to make sure that the governments in power are ensuring that you are putting enough money in to get a decent pension at the end of it - and that they will make sure that everyone is paying enough taxes so that there WILL be the services there whenever you need them.  If there aren't enough taxes being collected then there will not be enough services available.

Philippa Bond ● 67d

I had meant to come back to John Kennedy with some links as many newspapers have them.Unfortunately we have a lot of badly insulated and ventilated homes in this country so it will cost us more but we still have to find the easiest most suitable and cheapest ways for us and other family members with their difficulties to keep warm.Apart from the WFP there is other help available to help with heating costs.Councils have extra money and so do gas and electricity companies - so you should talk to them.  Always talk to your gas and electricity suppliers if you have problems paying bills.  Age UK I have also always found helpful for signposting towards help.There may be other benefits that you and/or your loved one can claim eg Attendance Allowance - which does not mean that you have to be paying for a carer and which is not means tested.  You can also get help with filling in these forms. use hot water bottles, have a fleecy underblanket and have increased our duvet weight for the winter.  We also close all curtains as soon as the light goes as the temperature outside drops suddenly.We also eat many more hot meals when it is cold and leave the oven door open after use to warm the room.  Slippers that cover ankles keep feet warm.  The microwave and slow cooker use less energy.Some electricity companies have been known to give away air fryers, slow cookers and electric throws.They say heat the person not the room but you have to be careful that hot air and steam doesn't escape and condense on cold walls in other rooms as this can cause condensation leading to mould.It is better to have some heat than none if you can or you or your loved one can end up in hospital with hypothermia.A lot of people seem to be wearing fleece throws with sleeves when spending time sitting down. Hopefully this makes them less likely to trip over when you stand up (especially when you can't see).

Philippa Bond ● 68d