my experience - police shut entry to the Canada steps side of Trafalgar Square by 11.25pm; I couldnt access friends, decided to come home, discovered Leicester Sq tube had been shut, visibly stressed TFL staff were redirecting folks to Holborn station, I boarded a train and while on the move and unable to get off - they announced the train wouldnt be stopping until Waterloo ! Tried to leave the Waterloo station that I never wanted to be at - hellish scenes, Took long time to get out, TFL staff told me conflicting direction advice, I asked a policeman who didnt even ask me where I was going, just advised me to follow the direction of the crowd back into the station ! Caught in a crush now,;couldnt move left,right,up,down, my bag was damaged, an elderly chap with a walking stick fell to the floor in front of me near the top of an escalator, 3 of us public got him back up on his feet, TFL staff nowhere to be seen but plenty of them outside in a group of 5 leaning against a wall and chatting among themselves, no interest in the situation around them. Welcome to Khans London.
Anna Kirkpatrick ● 69d