Knitting wool donations requested for Twiddle Muffs for Dementia patient support
Hi all I am back again on the hunt for knitting wool for a knitting group who make 'twiddle muffs' for Dementia patients, they supply various hospitals. Absolutely none will be wasted. Please have a root around to see if you’ve anything to donate. Thank you to all who’ve been able to assist in the past (for my Mum and Mother in law who knitted for children’s items for charity) and to those who may be able to in the future - I look forward to hearing from you via my mobile 07984 802205 as the direct message no longer works from here/W4 forumxx For those who are not familiar with ‘twiddle muffs' they are knitted tubes often fashioned with ribbons, buttons, bells and zips, have been found to have a calming effect on people with dementia by keeping their hands busy and warding off anxiety. They are particularly useful in a hospital setting while people are in waiting rooms ahead of treatment.
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