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“it’s not easy being Green when you live in a conservation area”

Until I saw a post by Stephanie Geary in Putney on Nextdoor regarding upgrading her sash windows I was not aware of the disproportionate costs of energy efficiency in conservation areas compared to the rest of the UK.The recent conservation area consultation by Hounslow Council (ending on the 28th April 2024) pays little regard to the financial and environment impact on the residents of the Glebe Estate. It would appear the Council have ignored the wealth of material relating to the negative impacts on the environment of conservation area status. In a recent F.T. article John Burn-Murdoch wrote:- “it’s not easy being Green when you live in a conservation area”. his piece he notes that the planning rules in conservation areas come at a dramatic cost to the environment and the homeowners living there. He sites a report from Professor Fetzer of the University of Warwick who found planning restrictions in conservation areas are directly responsible for up to 3.2mn tonnes of avoidable domestic CO₂ emissions annually. Fetzer noted:-“I show that properties in conservation areas have a notable worse energy efficiency; experience lower investment in retrofitting and consume notably higher levels of energy owing to poor energy efficiency. Effects can be directly attributed to planning requirements for otherwise permitted development that only apply to properties by virtue of them being located inside a conservation area.”According to Mr Burn-Murdoch the excess emissions from conservation areas equate to about 5% of all emissions from heating homes in the UK; excluding heat for water or cooking. The energy efficiency gap between properties in conservation areas, and their neighbours who retain their permitted development rights has widened in the past decade as the pace of retro fitting energy efficiency measures has increased.A  Government Guidance paper on adapting homes in conservation areas for energy efficiency  concludes:-“Challenges around the planning process, local authority and industry skills, training and capacity, and guidance for homeowners and occupiers explored above, all contribute to issues around affordability and cost of retrofitting historic homes, which stakeholders have identified as a key barrier to adapting historic homes.The lack of supply of both [skills and traditional materials] had knock-on consequences for costs, meaning historic home retrofit came with a higher price tag for consumers living in these homes.Given the current economic climate, stakeholders have stressed the impact of challenges with the cost of living, identifying this as an exacerbating factor in the deployment of retrofit, meaning fewer households are able to afford the required works. This, in combination with increased costs for historic home retrofit skills and materials, makes comprehensive retrofit action unobtainable for many householders. hidden costs in conservation areas also form a barrier to improvements; these include planning drawings, heritage statements, and fire risk assessments (now required with every planning application). Hounslow Council’s Cabinet report dated the 12th December 2023 notes:-“8. Climate Emergency Considerations8.1 There are no specific climate emergency considerations in relation to thisreport. Conservation Area status does not prevent the installation on renewableenergy apparatus. It does sometimes limit locations, but the results are stilleffective.”The Council have clearly failed to properly consider the additional environmental impact the creation of the Glebe Estate conservation area will have. For example solar panels need to positioned so they are facing the sun in the middle of the day for maximum efficiency. With the climate emergency in mind I believe Hounslow Council should be considering its restrictive planning policies in all the conservation areas across the borough.The Green Party have recognised this as an issue and are pushing to get the conservation area rules changed to allow people to make their homes resilient to the climate crisis.Make sure Hounslow Council are aware this is an issue at:- email:- the petition to stop another conservation area being created

Ann Lond ● 21d1 Comments