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I hope that I will not be banned for talking about "Trans" and why we should look much more closely at claims for the existence of "gender identity". Please read Dr Helen Joyce's book: "Trans: when ideology meets reality", published in 2021 by OneWorld Publications ISBN 9780861540495 320pp £9.19 on Amazon. This is an excellent introduction to the subject and wide-ranging concerns about it. Dr Joyce concludes that we have reached the limit of "inclusion" and "be kind" when we are being asked to deny objective, biological reality: NO ONE has, can or will ever "change sex". That is scientific truth. And everyday reality. Every one of the trillions of cells in the body have either XX (female) or XY (male) chromosomes (except for gametes, sperm or eggs, which are haploid cells - still sexed!) And this reality affects everyone, all the time."Gender dysphoria" is a "disorder" (section 25 of the "Gender" "Recognition" Act). It is a serious mental disorder. "Gender" is not defined in the GRA, so what is it that we are being asked to "recognise"?We must not encourage anyone to believe that there is or could be a separation between the "sex of the mind" (fashion?) and the reality of their sexed body. This is, if you think about it, a separation between the mind and the body, one of the most serious forms of mental illness - dissociation. When you combine the disorder of GD with the narcissism (quest for "validation") and male entitlement of male GD sufferers we have a new "cult": Trans Radical Activists and their mainly female handmaidens promote this by stealth in ways which have only recently been noticed.The Tavistock Clinic which used to offer "Gender Identity" services to children is being closed down. There is uproar about Adam Graham/"Isla Bryson" in a woman's jail in Scotland. This is really serious. The Government does understand and that is why they refused to introduce "gender self-ID" in the UK in 2018 (following the recommendations of Maria Miller's "captured" WEC report in 2015) and they have refused Royal Assent to the Scottish "Gender" "Recognition" Reform Bill - which would introduce "gender self-ID" for Scotland.I can also recommend a new book about how critical people were "peaked" - how their eyes were opened to the dangers of "gender identity" ideology: it is called "Transpositions" by Sarah Phillimore and it is available on Amazon. I am waiting for my copy which I ordered today.There is going to be much, much more about the dangers of GI soon. For example it must be eradicated from schools where it is causing havoc.And, very importantly, the funding of so many Trans lobby groups, especially Stonewall, must be removed. Stonewall is misrepresenting the Equality Act 2010. SW says wrongly that "gender" is the Protected Characteristic rather than sex. Government departments, companies large and small, Universities and schools, NGOs, the NHS have all swallowed this MISINFORMATION and are erasing women and girls, lesbians, gays and bissexuals from their proper definition and their legal protections which are based on SEX. Sex is the correct legal reference point, not "gender". Eradicate "gender". #sexnotgender.

Una-Jane Winfield ● 444d

This morning we experienced someone being totally ignored while actually in their way across a zebra crossing.  These do appear now to be being routinely ignored by drivers.  The accompanying Belisha beacons are no longer so noticeable with all the other lighted signs on roads.  Many zebra crossings also need the stripes repainting.  I think they work best for slowing traffic when they are raised but I've seriously started to wonder whether they shouldn't be replaced by light controlled pedestrian crossings.A neighbour was run down and injured on a zebra crossing last year.I think it is time that all drivers were retested -  including on road signs - more often than just at 70 years old after 50+ years of driving.  You just cannot expect the world to stand still around you. As I understand it these rainbow crossings are at crossings with lights where there would not have been black and white stripes so they are an ADDITIONAL aid to remind EVERYONE that it is a crossing rather than the only one.Really we should all be taking personal responsibility to make sure that we know what is changing around us and if we have difficulty in doing that for ourselves then we need to find a different way to keep up.  The Highway Code has been updated and has sections for ALL of us.  It is up to all of us who go out on the street and accompany others to make sure that we do.  I did notice that one of the crossings in the link I posted to rainbow crossings around the world had "Look Both Ways" written on each side which seemed a good further reminder.

Philippa Bond ● 446d

It would perhaps be helpful if you could highlight the specific examples above which you think exemplify this bigotry. I've read the whole thread and can't see anything that crosses any lines.As with Stewart Jones's earlier post describing contributions as 'nasty', it appears that you think that the very act of questioning the appropriateness and value of the crossing is enough for you to brand someone as homophobic and transphobic. I'm not totally convinced that even someone like me, who has no issue whatsoever about the principle behind the crossing, but would just like some assurances that it was implemented correctly, would pass your standards for right thinking.The prevalence of this kind of attitude does create dangers that we need to be aware of. If a council traffic officer felt he or she couldn't raise concerns about a proper risk assessment being done or the impact on the disabled for fear of being labelled a bigot then the crossing will not have been subject to the level of scrutiny that it should have been.Having observed it earlier in the week, it is clear to me that the risk of collisions caused by confused drivers turning out of TGT has risen again although new markings may have been painted since then.I've asked more than once whether a risk assessment has been done and whether any consultation was undertaken with representatives of disabled groups and no answer has been forthcoming. Perhaps Cllr Gill, who appears to have been one of the main sponsors of the crossings, could provide some reassurance on these matters. If he can, then I'd be quite happy to support the crossings as a welcome addition to Chiswick.

Jeremy Parkinson ● 446d

Thank you Simon. I thought it worth publishing a relevant extract."Impact on disabled pedestriansThese designs create safety and accessibility concerns for some disabled people with particular impairments, as has been helpfully outlined in this letter from the Access Association (3). (We recommend reading their letter for full details of impacts on various impairment groups, and have outlined the major concerns below).For blind and visually impaired people, the consistency and predictability of signage is fundamental to being able to navigate safely and independently. The majority of visually impaired people have some sight. Designs and colours used on pedestrian crossings which are not consistent with traditional designs could cause confusion and risk safety. The use of black and white in traditional pedestrian crossings offer high contrast which is essential for people with low vision to detect them and stay on course when crossing roads. We have also heard accounts from visually impaired people with light sensitivity who find the artwork painful to look at.People with learning disabilities are likely to find it difficult to interpret abstract artwork as a crossing. Again, the consistency and familiarity of road signage is critical to enabling members of this community to interpret crossings as a safe place to cross.People affected by dementia often experience perceptual problems called ‘misperceptions’ which happens when a person sees one thing as something else (4). Patterns on the floor can be confusing or misinterpreted: a wavy line might look like a moving snake, for example, a dark shape can look like a hole, or blue paint can look like water. Sudden changes in contrast can make the floor levels look uneven, like a step, and this can cause hesitation or unsteadiness which can lead to falls (5). It has long been established that best practice for making walkways safe is to avoid patterns.For many neurodivergent people with a sensory processing difference, including Autistic people, sensory overload and/or distress can be caused when encountering “visual noise” such as bright colours, patterns and stripes. This may lead to people avoiding the pattern and crossing the road elsewhere without a controlled crossing, or to needing more time to cross or stopping in the road in order to process the visual complexity."

Adrian Irving ● 446d

> “I took it up with the Council to bring it to their attention that we needed it”> [Gunnersbury Cllr Ranjit Gill] told The Chiswick Calendar. “It’s an all-inclusive>  thing to show that everybody needs to be included in our community, whether they > are gay or transgender, Black, whoever they are.They already are. We have a law-based society here.> “Unfortunately, homophobia still exists. You can see some people are against this,>  but we are all tax-payers and we all need to be included. What is it that these minorities are not being 'included' in? I would really like to know.> All other boroughs are doing this, so Hounslow should too.That is the worst reason for doing anything.> “Youngsters these days should be made aware that you can be who you are and express yourself, whoever you are.”Whoever thinks that victim ideology virtue-signalling is helping kids is pretending that there is a giant conspiracy to rob every individual in these rainbow victim categories of their own self-worth, and that they MUST BE HELPED.The way sensible societies work: no-one is a permanent victim due to being in some identity category. Of course anyone can be a victim of some assault, crime, motivated or not by intolerance of some characteristic. The list of reasons for such aggravations is long and doesn't just involve being gay, trans or black: women wearing the wrong kind of dress; being fat; being a Muslim; being old and slow; and the worst of all, being disabled. Almost forgot: being a straight white woman attending a peaceful women's rights demonstration...In our law-based society, these transgressions are more or less handled (where the relevant policing orgs have not been infiltrated by victim ideology). There are all kinds of deficiencies, but victim politics just makes things worse, not better - it makes people in those categories start to wonder if the rest of society really does hate them.None of this is any business of our local council.

Thomas Beale ● 447d