St George Flag to Fly Over Town Hall?

New request following outcry over lorry ban

Ealing's new Labour administration has been quick to distance itself from the controversial decision by May Gurney to ban World Cup flags from refuse lorries.

Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Councillor Bassam Mahfouz has written to the company asking they reconsider. He also wants Ealing's Chief Executive to allow a flag to fly over the Town Hall during the tournament.

Ealing reprints his letter below:

Dear Sir,

I was disappointed to read May Gurney’s decision about not allowing staff to fly England flags during the upcoming World Cup. As the new cabinet member for Environment in Ealing I can state that it was a decision they took alone and certainly does not have the endorsement of this new Labour administration.

May Gurney claim that such a move would clash with their corporate identity, but for me when it comes to identity if we do not have pride in our nation and show patriotism at times like this then I don’t know when we can.

With Ealing boy Peter Crouch representing our country in South Africa and the Olympics only two years away, as a Labour council we will be promoting sporting success as much as possible and support our young people all the way.

In my new position I have also written to May Gurney to ask them to reconsider their policy and have asked Ealing’s Chief Executive to fly the flag over the Town Hall throughout the World Cup to show our support for the team.

I hope that May Gurney will see their decision as a PR own goal ahead of the world’s greatest international tournament and come round to join us in showing their support for England at the World Cup.

Yours sincerely,

Cllr Bassam Mahfouz Labour Councillor for Northolt West End & Cabinet Member for Environment & Transport



June 2, 2010