Merry Mailbox Opens in Ealing Library

Messages posted will be distributed to Age UK to older residents

Message posted in the Merry Mailbox will be distributed before Christmas

November 14, 2024

A new initiative by Age UK Ealing has seen a ‘Merry Mailbox’ installed in Ealing Library to help spread Christmas cheer as widely as possible this year.

The Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre has partnered with the charity to provide cards to library visitors on which they can write festive messages. These will be then distributed to older members of the community.

The free cards can be posted into the special post box from now until Monday 16 December when they will be distributed via Age UK Ealing to arrive in plenty of time for Christmas.

Reginald Parkinson, CEO of Age UK Ealing, said, “We know that over two million older people across the UK say they feel lonely at Christmas and for many, it can often be the most isolating time of the year.

“That’s why we’re so pleased to partner with Ealing Broadway on the ‘Merry Mailbox’ initiative, to be able to share cards from people in the community with our members to help them feel more connected this Christmas.

“We’d encourage as many people as possible to take part, as just one card could make all the difference for someone spending Christmas alone.”

Andrew Rollings, centre director at Ealing Broadway, added, “While Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year for many of us, sadly for some in our community it can feel isolating.

“It’s our visitors who make Christmas so special for us here at Ealing Broadway, so we know we can count on them to spread some festive cheers for those who need it most.

“We hope our ‘Merry Mailbox’ will help to bring a few more smiles over the seasonal period and make sure no one feels alone.”

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