Helen Pidgeon Solicitors offer a sensitive approach to pre-nuptial agreements
Christmas and the New Year is a time for new beginnings and celebrations and moreover, is one of the most popular times for getting engaged. To all those couples getting engaged this year we wish you much joy and happiness in your married life.
Unfortunately, marriage does not always meet one's expectations and many marriages do not last. The breakdown of a marriage is the worst possible time emotionally to have to resolve what happens with the family home, income and other assets.
Pre-nuptial agreements are becoming the accepted procedure for agreeing at the outset what might happen financially if there is a breakup. They are already popular on the continent, in the US and are increasingly common here also. Whilst we appreciate that it can be a very delicate subject to raise with your partner, there are some very good reasons to do so; not least to ensure that you both know where you would stand financially if a divorce were to happen and you are able to negotiate a settlement while you both still very much love and care for each other and want the best for each other and your children.
A pre-nuptial agreement may be useful in determining what may happen to assets on a divorce if you have assets acquired prior to your marriage through your own endeavours or inheritance; if there is a significant imbalance in finances between you, or family assets or businesses.
If you would like to know more about pre-nuptial agreements and the sensitive way in which they can be discussed then do please contact Helen Pidgeon Solicitors, contact details provided in the box above.
Helen Pidgeon Solicitors
January 6, 2014