Foxton's HQ in Chiswick Business Park
February 26, 2025
Chiswick-based estate agent Foxtons has been rocked by a detailed investigative report by Bloomberg which portrays the company has having a toxic workplace.
The financial media company spoke to a number of current and former employees of the companies who alleged that instances of sexism and racism were not properly dealt with and a drinking-culture that led to the green minis used by Foxtons sometimes being driven by staff who were over the limit. The report is based on interviews with 20 people who have worked at the company as well as legal and employment records, emails, screenshots and other documentation.
Bloomberg’s reporters spoke to one woman, who they called Lucy, who ended up in hospital with work related stress after two years with the company having joined when she was 21. She says she was groped by managers and co-workers, had her weight discussed in WhatsApp groups and told to start an OnlyFans account. A colleague in his forties sent explicit images of himself to her and other female members of staff asking for photos in return.
When she approached the company’s HR team about an incident that took place in a pub, she was told that the complaint would only be followed up if she filed a police report. As a result, she retracted her statement.
Lucy also told Bloomberg that she was involved in a car crash after one of the Friday meetings at the Chiswick office when the driver was heavily under the influence of alcohol. She had earlier heard him saying he didn’t want to drink but was pressured to take more by managers.
Bloomberg spoke to eleven young women who have worked for the company who reported instances of sexual harassment between 2021 and late 2024. Eight of them made a report to HR but were met with what they described as a lack of interest.
Some reported that ‘hot leads’ given to negotiators by senior managers would not be made available to them after they made a complaint or rejected the sexual advances of a man in a position of authority.
One senior employee spoken to by Bloomberg took a series of allegations about sexual harassment and discrimination directly to the company’s chief executive, Guy Gittins, who said he was unable to deal with the complaints personally. The employee, who has since left the company, says he was offered more leads if he stopped raising the issue and when he refused was denied access to clients and then sacked for poor performance. He received a financial settlement from the company prior to the commencement of a tribunal for unfair dismissal.
A company spokesperson responded when asked to comment on the allegations, “We are concerned that colleagues have told Bloomberg of offensive behaviour and urge them to report it to the independent, confidential whistleblowing process.
“Any matters of sexual harassment or misconduct are taken extremely seriously, thoroughly investigated and in no way tolerated at Foxtons.”
13 of the people Bloomberg spoke to reported hearing racist or antisemitic comments made by their Foxtons co-workers, and 16 said that heavy drinking and drink-driving were commonplace.
One said she was regularly driven around London by managers who were drunk and when a meeting was called to discuss the issue she said senior staff seemed less concerned about safety than the risk that collisions involving the branded Minis would result in negative publicity.
Foxtons’ spokesperson said, “We take these allegations very seriously and will look into the matters raised,
“Drink driving is illegal, and we have very clear and robust policies on these matters.”
Foxtons staff have been dismissed for having sexual relationships with younger colleagues or drink-driving but there are others who remain at the firm even after similar behaviours came to light according to former employees.
The report says, “Accounts shared with Bloomberg indicate that Foxtons has allowed unfair and intimidating workplace practices among its staff, some of whom have no previous corporate experience at all.”
Gittens started his career at Foxtons in the early 2000s but left to work with Savills and Chestertons before returning in 2022. He said that he was going to ‘bring the fun back’ and drinking and socialising formed a part of the company’s culture although most of the complaints reported by Bloomberg date to the time since he took over.
When Bloomberg visited the company’s offices in Chiswick last September, they heard dance music playing in the background and saw a big red buzzer in the middle of the floor which went off every time a deal was completed bringing cheers from the employees in the room.
The report says that Gittens has taken steps to improve the workplace including reducing access to alcohol, stopping it being served at the Friday meetings held at the Chiswick office, and boosting anti-sexual harassment training.
Foxtons share price has fallen sharply to a year low since Bloomberg published its report although it remains more than double levels seen in 2022 before Gittens took over leadership of the company.
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