Police in Chiswick

Cold Calling/Silent Calls/Unwanted Letters

Police advice on how to reduce these unwelcome intrusions

Several residents have expressed concerns regarding Cold Calling by telephone. Although it is invariably concerned with the sale of goods or services, it can be disconcerting, particularly for the elderly.

If you wish to register with the Telephone Preference Service, this can be done online at www.tpsonline.org.uk. You can also register another number if the user does not have Internet access. Alternatively their phone number is 020 7291 3320. This will not stop all such calls but may reduce the volume. It should be remembered that this may prevent some calls you may have wished to receive and will not stop calls from companies/banks/insurance providers with whom you have an account.

Many elderly residents are particularly upset by phone calls that are silent when the receiver is picked up. Companies who have more phone lines than operators to service them often automatically generate these. You may be able to reduce such calls by registering with Silent Callguard on 0870 4443969.

Although the increase in junk mail may not be as distressing as unwanted phone calls, you can still reduce the amount you receive by registering with the Mailing Preference Service. This can be done at www.mpsonline.org.uk. It should be remembered that this might prevent some offers or requests from charities from reaching you

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