Demolition Notice for Packhorse and Talbot

Pub could be gone in just over a month if application proceeds

The owners of the site of the Packhorse and Talbot on Chiswick High Road have made an application to proceed with the demolition of the pub. The building could be gone within a month if the necessary approvals are received.

A notice appeared on Wednesday (6th August) stating the application has asked Hounslow Council to make "a determination as to whether the prior approval of the authority will be required to the method of demolition and any proposed restoration of the site."

Information on the Council's planning pages states that the demolition is for redevelopment. The applicant proposes to undertake the demolition between 8 September and 31 October 2014.

Adam Beamish, local resident and planning consultant said on the forum, "effectively the building has to either be listed or be within a conservation area within 28 days from the date of submission to prevent its demolition (assuming the details submitted regarding the nature of the proposed demolition and any remedial work are satisfactory - which I imagine if whoever has submitted the application has done their homework they will be)."

Another local planning consultant told us that it was extremely unusual for a demolition notice to be published before planning permission had been received for a site. His view was that it was extremely unlikely that the existing building would be knocked down before consents had been given for a replacement. The Packhorse and Talbot is understood to be trading profitably particularly with the nearby George IV currently closed for refurbishment.

Local amenity groups are considering a response but a member of one said that they felt it was unlikely that a listing could be obtained in time to prevent demolition. Although the current building was put up in the 20th century there has been a pub on the site since 1650.

The applicant is Silus Investments SA who are represented by a firm of solicitors based in the Strand. Unconfirmed reports suggests that the Panama based company owns adjacent plots on Chiswick High Road.

Staff, many of whom live above the pub and would lose their homes if it was demolished, have been told that it could be as much as a year before the pub closes and that the owners posted the notice to gauge what local reaction would be. Staff were given no advance warning that the notices was to be published.

Taylor Walker are the licencees of the Packhorse and Talbot. Guest Services Area Manager Ed Cornwell, says that there are no plans to demolish the pub.

The agent is given as Mr Stuart Mills of JB Planning Associates Limited. We contacted Mr. Mills asking for more details but he was unable to provide further information other than to say that he was acting on behalf of the landowner and the application documents would be published shortly on the Hounslow Council web site.

The application reference is P/2014/3260 ( 00248/145/DEM1 ). You can give comments on these plans by visiting the Council's planning pages and using this reference to search for the application.

August 13, 2014