Progress For Continental Style Piazza At Turnham Green Terrace

New bike racks, benches and planting on way

The plan for a piazza style area at Chiswick Common Corner is moving ahead and changes will soon be seen.

Having spearheaded the successful Chiswick Timeline under the arches near the tube station, Abundance and a team of local volunteers, believe it is now time to revitalise the Chiswick Common area.

The bike racks (pictured above) will be removed this week and have been given to Chiswick School. It is planned to replace the bike racks at another nearby location.

The project, which is a collaboration between Friends of Chiswick Back Common and Abundance London has been beavering away quietly, and local councillors and residents received an update at last week's Chiswick Area Forum (CAF) meeting from Karen Liebreich and Steve Nutt.

They were particularly concerned that Conways, who have now removed the building cabins (opposite the pedestrian crossing), have left the area with some damage to some of the paving, along with holes in the ground. Karen said she felt it was up to the builder to make good - their funding for the piazza did not rise to having the area re-paved. She called on Hounslow Council to put pressure on Conways to restore the paving to the standard it was prior to the cabins being erected there.

stain from oil spill on paving
What is thought to be a stain from oil spillage

holes in paving
Holes left behind from the cabins

The team have now selected new benches which will be installed in the near future.

The new benches to be installed soon

Volunteers have also helped to pot up hundreds of plants and bulbs which will be planted out early next year.

Karen told the CAF that while they had been granted a small sum of S106 monies, all donations, or help with volunteering, would be welcome.

A separate project, restoration of the water fountain, is going ahead with Cllr John Todd in charge. This had already started prior to the Piazza project

steve nutt
Steve Nutt

November 18, 2018