Chiswick Primary School Gets Cycling Award

Strand Juniors come first in London for pedalling to school

Last week pupils Strand on the Green Junior School were presented with a special  yellow jersey to celebrate their success in Sustrans Virtual Bike Race.

Pupils from Strand clocked up an amazing 3509 journeys to school by bike or scooter during the 3 week pedal around the UK, easily taking the number 1 spot in Greater London.

The race was arranged in stages, just like the Tour de France, and this year Strand achieved their goal of winning a stage – hence the yellow jersey.

As their prize pupils were treated to a dazzling BMX display by Keelan Phillips, British and European Champion where he showcased his skills.

Later pupils got a chance to learn some tricks and were soon emulating Keelan with death defying stunts.


June 18, 2013