Opening by tv presenter Mary Nightingale
The St Nicholas Harvest Fair is on Saturday 12th October. Proceedings will kick off at 12 noon when newscaster and TV presenter, Mary Nightingale officially opens the fair. Peppa Pig will be making a special appearance.
A traditional fair, there will be an array of delicious home made and fresh flavours to savour.
Fun games for the children, a fabulous hamper raffle,bar, tombolas, glitter tattoos,bric-a-brac and books will be on offer.
The children of William Hogarth School Choir will be singing and the Red Rock Ceilidh Band are also on the bill. The RSPB will have a stand with activities for children.
In addition to the activity in church there will be art and craft stalls in St Denys Hall where you can pick up an earlier Christmas present.
Results of the 'cress head' competition featuring works from local schoolchildren will be on display and the winners of the will be announced at the fair.
The day promises something for everyone with lots to see, do, eat and drink.
October 1, 2013