Nursing home project to benefit elderly residents
St Mary's Convent and Nursing Home has opened its long awaited retirement bungalows in the grounds of its care home. The first resident will move in this week.
The five one-bedroomed bungalows provide homes for the elderly who wish to live independently of the nursing home.
The bungalows are suitable for either one person or a couple and residents can also avail of meals and assistance from the care home.
Chiswick residents who were shown around the project
Sr Jennifer (pictured above, second from left in front row ) thanked all those who were involved in fundraising for the project which cost over £1 million. The bungalows have all been taken and there is a waiting list. It costs £350 a week to rent one and includes all bills, apart from Council Tax.
The project will be officially opened at a special ceremony attended by Princess Alexandra early next month.
However, a proposal to build a single storey extension to create four bedrooms at St Mary's Convent and Nursing Home, has been refused by Hounslow Council.
Council planners decided that the proposed single storey extension to St Andrews Wing would harm the architectural or historic interest of this listed building and would not enhance the character and appearance of the Old Chiswick Conservation Area.
The Council report stated that "the proposal will harm the setting of remaining historic fabric and features of this listed building and the conservation area. Therefore it is considered
unacceptable and refusal is recommended. The proposal would result in the unacceptable harm to trees, within the setting of a listed building and conservation areas."
January 1, 2015