Scaffolding That Goes Up, Must Come Down......

Mix up with builders on Southfield Road causes panic

A Southfield resident could have had a nasty surprise on return from holiday if an alert neighbour had not contacted police about scaffolding being put up at the house.

On Thursday 31 August local police officers received a
strange call on their ward telephone.

A concerned neighbour had noticed scaffolding being erected on his next door neighbour's house.

a house with scaffolding
A different house with scaffolding

The police commented, "He knew his neighbours were away and contacted them by phone. They didn’t know anything about it so the neighbour called the team."

PC Aga Piatek went to the address and found what was described as one "extremely agitated company boss" urging his men to take down the scaffolding as soon as possible. His men had put it on the wrong house.

Police said: " They had all the right house numbers but they had put them in the wrong

"When we first received the call we were initially a bit suspicious anyway. It would have been an extremely confident thief to have the gall to erect scaffolding to enable entry to a building…"

You can read this and more about local incidents and activity on the Acton Neighbourhood Police update.

September 18, 2017